Je suis à Pokhara, au bord du lac et ce soir il est temps de repartir. Il y a trois jours j’ai bouclé le circuit de l’Annapurna. Mes jambes sont…
Je suis à Pokhara, au bord du lac et ce soir il est temps de repartir. Il y a trois jours j’ai bouclé le circuit de l’Annapurna. Mes jambes sont…
La sveglia suona. Sono le 4:30. Il tanto aspettato e temuto giorno del Passo é arrivato. Ho dormito incredibilmente bene nel mio sacco a pelo, sotto due pesanti coperte. Non…
Lucca is a beautiful city in Tuscany that is completely invaded by comics lovers and cosplays every year, usually for 4 days around the end of October/beginning of November. Lucca…
Se siete arrivati a Kathmandu da più di mezza giornata, state sicuramente cercando un posto tranquillo dove rilassarvi! Kathmandu é una città con una bell’anima, storica, tanti monumenti incredibili, stupas,…
In Africa there’s a place “where men should not go” because they’re going to get lost. I’m a woman, it should be ok for me then! Sapitwa peak is highest…
If you’re in Paris, you’ve already had enough macarons, pain au chocolat and Angelina’s hot chocolate and your looking for something less parisian, more warm and welcoming, you should make…
Thamel is the very touristy heart of Kathmandu. Hundreds, thousands of souvenirs shops, hotels, restaurants, travel agencies and sports shops. You can think that Thamel has no souls, that it’s…
Meeting a living Goddness Every day, once a day and for few seconds, a beautiful little girl show up at the window of one of the building near Durban square,…
Come spostarsi in Africa dell’Est Bus Di solito si parte la mattina presto, perchè in bus il viaggio è sempre lungo. Per esempio, in Tanzania, tutti i bus, per tutte…
En Afrique, si vous n’aimez pas négocier, vous allez, très probablement, vous faire dépouiller! La négociation est une activité quotidienne pour les locaux comme pour les mzungu. Une seule différence. Pour…
Molte persone in Africa dell’Est hanno una carta sim invece di un conto in banca, ma, anche senza conto bancario, alcuni non si fanno comunque tanti scrupoli ad andare a…
It’s market day in the south of Ethiopia. Ready to for some shopping?
Questo NON é un articolo con informazioni pratiche o visite consigliati. Questa é una selezione, non esaustiva, di cose che in Cina sono la normalità ma che per il resto…
Taxi : minibus ou voiture qui assure le transport publique entre petites-moyennes villes, pas cher mais immanquablement blindé. Boda boda : moto-taxi, un must en Afrique pour le deplacements en ville…
Gorilla tracking: la ragione per la quale la maggior parte dei turisti viene in Uganda. Tra le 2 e le 4 ore di cammino nella foresta per scovarli e non…
Shashemene, en Ethiopie, est la terre promise des rastas. Ras Tafari, le dieu des rastas jamaïcains, est Haile Selaissè et il a été le dernier roi éthiopien. Le jamaïcains qui…
Désolée mais j’ai pas de photos pour vous des turkana car j’étais trop occupée à essayer de ne pas me faire éjecter par la fenêtre du bus. On m’avait déjà prévenue en…
Il monte Kenya, con i suoi 5199m e la sua medaglia d’argento come secondo monte africano più alto, si fa un po’ troppo desiderare! Innanzitutto dorme di giorno ed è…
Continuo il mio giro alternativo del Kenya in rotta verso l’Uganda. “Where are you heading to?” è la classica domanda da parcheggio di matatu e quando sei arrivata a destinazione…
HCMC (= Ho Chi Minh City ) est pour moi la découverte du Vietnam des motorbikes, des mini tabourets et des mini tables en plastique rouge ou bleu, partout dans…
La sortie du Laos commence avec l’achat d’un billet de bus au prix démesuré : moins de 3h de bus payé le même prix que 22h de bus. La femme…
Dopo 20 minuti a fare avanti e indietro nel parcheggio dei camion tuktuk di Pakse, per capire, col solo aiuto di dita laotiane puntate in non ben definite e discordanti…
Arrivo in Laos, torna il sole ed é amore a prima vista! Da nord… Sarà perché arrivo in un villaggetto sperduto tra le montagne e non in una città con…
Montego bay, Savanna-la-mar, Negril, Savanna-la-mar, Whitehouse, Black river, Treasure beach, Black river, Whitehouse, Savanna-la-mar, Montego bay, Dunn’s river, Ocho rios, Montego bay. Vi presento il magico giro nel mondo dei…
Here’s some pictures of the most colorful area of Buenos Aires: La Boca!
Si vous êtes déjà allés à Siem Reap pour visiter les temples d’Angkor ou si un jour vous y allez…vous n’allez pas croire ça: je me suis complètement perdue sur…
Aiuto…non riesco a respirare! Il caldo soffocante con almeno il 99% di umidità (senza esagerare) mi attanaglia!! Ah, bene, in camera c’é l’aria condizionata..ok, non morirò qui a Belem! Il…
That is the question. Koh Phi Phi is considered the most beautiful Thai island. Very touristic but incredibly beautiful. So, it’s normal to have doubts about going or not. A…
Fêtez Pimai! Les festivités du nouvel An Lao et Thai ont lieu en avril pendant presque une semaine et…tout tourne autour de l’EAU! C’est rafraîchissant et c’est une expérience culturelle…
(also useful on other Himalayans treks!) Look behind you, don’t miss the view! As you’re hiking on a circuit, you’re not going to go back down from the same way…
…Himalayan adventures! While I was trekking on the Annapurna circuit, I was quite impressed by the amount of not-so-useful things people were carrying with them. I mean, you’re going to…
Bara-wo, on the street. Cheap, delicious and cooked with love by a very nice lady! Enjoy your meal! PS. don’t forget to take an homemade yogourt as dessert in one…
After a 6 hours bus drive from Katmandu and 2 hours on a jeep from Besisahar (800 rupies if you know how to bargain!) you get to Syange! From here…
Tal is about 7/8 hours hike from Syange. You’ll pass by very (very!) colorful villages, you’ll cross very stable suspension bridge (if you are afraid of heights…it’s time to get…
On the road from Tal to Danaque you hike with beautiful views on snow mountain in front of you, around you and behind you (don’t forget to look behind or you’re…
STOOOOOP!!!! This is not me talking to you, it’s Mother Nature shouting it out!! Stop here, have a break, have a ginger tea and sleep in one of the #guesthousewithaview…
Chame is only about 4 hours from Danaque, you can take it easy, rest and maybe having lunch in beautiful Timang! Chame is a quite big village (compared to others…
Upper or Lower?? With no hesitation: GO UP and don’t stay loooowww…. Why? Because if you spend the night in Upper Pisang, you can wake up with this view!! Yes,…
The Lower Pisang trekking route follow the jeep road and smoothly leads you to Manang. The Upper Pisang path is more difficult but for me it’s the most beautiful part…
The acclimation day in Manang is a must. For your body, and your mind! You deserve a lazy day and, if you really don’t like to chill out the whole…
Manang, Gunsang, Yak kharka, Leddar, Thorong Pedi Base Camp (High Camp) 7 (8) hours and around + 900 mtr (+1300mtr) elevation For your acclimation is good to sleep in Yak…
Go find it!!! ..and this view, it is for free!
I know, last night was freezing cold and it’s not morning yet! It’s 4.30am, your alarm just rang but you think you’re not brave enough to take off the blanket,…
I already knew that I was not going to like this, and yes, I didn’t really enjoy it! The way up is so much motivating, the way down it’s just…LONG!…
In Muktinath you can decide to continue walking on the Annapurna Circuit or to skip some days by taking a bus or a jeep. As I wanted to have some…
From Tatopani to Gorepani is a long steep way going up. Only up! Never flat, never down…be prepared to a lot of steps, 8/9 hours of walking and beautiful rhododendron…
The sunrise in Poon Hill it’s perfect to start your last day on the Annapurna circuit. If you want to go all the way down to Nayapul it’s very very…
« Vers le Gosainkud » par Ella Maillart, Extrait du livre « Au pays des Sherpas » (« The Land of the Sherpas ») “Depuis que je suis au Népal, je désire atteindre le Gosainkund, ou Lac des…
Pokhara is not the most authentic place that you can find in Nepal… But Pokhara is the place where you can find anything you need after a long trek: massages,…
…instagrammable!! 😀 Une ville #nofilter (ou presque!) qui va vous enchanter! Mettez le réveil à 6h30, prenez votre petit déjeuner et montez sur votre velo made in China! La lumière…
Your best friend in Bangkok is..the Taxi meter! The sentence “Can you turn the meter on please?” is the most useful to move around the city. Taxi (with the meter…
Urfa Durum, a Kurdish place, is one of the best street food restaurant in Paris. The line outside must not discourage you because service is fast and the urfa durum…
I think I found heaven on earth here in Jamaica! As usual I looked for a not-so-touristic spot and I decided to go to Treasure Beach. I had to take…
We arrived in the desert around 6 pm. We wanted to set our camp before exploring the area but the wind was not on our side. We were struggling to…
I was trying to make my way through the roaring motorcycles to get to the gate of the market when the smell of coriander came to my nostrils, stronger than…
The Canal St Martin is not one of the main touristic attractions in Paris. Maybe you’ve been there on your second visit of the Ville Lumiere or, you passed by…
In May 2015 I was in the Omo Valley, one of the most isolated regions of Ethiopia, to meet the Mursi people. The Mursi are one of the last remaining…
The easiest things to find in Amsterdam are sex and weeds. The most well kept secret is the Ons’ Lieve Heer op Solder, a church! The very-difficult-to-pronounce name means “Our…
Kondoa é una piccola cittadina in Tanzania immersa nella savana. La sopresa nascosta tra i baobab e le acacie é un museo a cielo aperto di arte rupestre. ”Arte rupestre”…
L’alternative sympas et pas chère à la promenade avec les gorilles de montagne. La promenade avec les pygmées dans le Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. La forêt est la même que…
Lijiang is a must-see in Yunnan. It’s old town and the mountains view are beautiful and the city is vibrant. If can spend some days there you should go to…
Ho scoperto Potosì su una guida Lonely Planet che non mi aveva affato invogliato ad andarci. A parte il fatto che, a più di 4000m d’altitudine, fosse la città più…
Non si arriva al Preah Vihear Temple per caso. Situato al confine tra la Cambogia e la Thailandia é stato a lungo conteso tra i due stati fino al giorno…
It’s very logic, Great Zimbabwe was a city (in Zimbabwe), a middle age fortified city. What??? Middle age city…in Africa?? YES!! There’s not only lions that worth the visit! Ruins…
Oui, oui, c’est possible et c’est incroyable ! L’émotion de pouvoir marcher aux pieds d’une girafe est inoubliable. Vous pouvez faire ça au Kenya, au lac Naivasha, sur Crescent island. Crescent…
Chengdu is the city of Spicy food and Pandas. It’s a nice city with good vibes and excellent food if…you like it spicy!! Very spicy!!!!! Forget Mexican, Indian, Jamaican or…
Phonsavan é una tranquilla cittadina da cui si parte per visitare la misteriosa piana delle giare. Perché misteriosa? Perché in questa zona ci sono sparse enormi giare fatte di ???…
Sapa est très facile d’accès 0 – 1 Bac ha est moins facile d’accès et donc il y a moins de touristes 1 – 1 En janvier à Bac ha…
…Saguaro! In the Saguaro national park east and Saguaro national park west you can meet baby Saguaro, young Saguaro, adult Saguaro, old Saguaro, very old Saguaro, huge Saguaro, family of…
Varadero is not real Cuba. Matanzas it is. A real authentic Cuban experience just 40km away from Varadero. A real city with real people, beautiful colonial buildings and an historic…
La Troisième chute du Carbet. Une belle chute avec un chemin pour s’y rendre sauvage mais facile. Une balade en pleine forêt tropicale, qui peut tourner à l’aventure en cas…
My first Amazonian trip started from Belem, the city where humidity in the air can reach levels around 110%… From Belem you can take a boat to Macapa. El Coronel…
In En Chalten, you can really experience the four seasons in a day. You start the Fitz Roy trek with a warm sun, you get to the Laguna de los…
“Fui a la ciudad más austral del mundo. Ushuaia se gestó a partir de la casa prefabricada de una misión que el reverendo W. H. Stirling levantó en 1869, junto…
Le dernier jour du tour en 4×4 dans le Salar de Uyuni on arrive dans un champ géothermique à plus de 5000m d’altitudes. Il fait froid, très froid, très très…
Somebody will tell you it’s not safe. You shouldn’t to it. You’ll be in pain… Well, I did it! I ate raw fish for 5 euros, in a market, at…
Lassù persa tra le vette del Perù, c’é una cittadina di una magnifica normalità, Llata. Facilissima da raggiungere da Lima con un bus diretto chiamato Armonia. Un nome poetico come…
Ethiopia is the birthplace of humankind. In Addis Abeba you can even go to see and say hi to the little Lucy of your history books But if you want…
Le mont Mulanje est le plus haut sommet d’Afrique du sud-est (même si la définition de sud-est reste floue) : 3002 m..de souffrance! Pourquoi? Parce que ça monte très très…
This is the classic place in the middle of nowhere where you feel to have the world in your hand! If you don’t walk or bike to get there, you…
It’s not so easy to get to the Treasure, but once you got there I’m sure you’re not gonna want to leave!! It’s not just another jamaican beach cause it’s much…
Best kekab ever at Kreuzberger Köfteburger !!! J’habite et je kiffe le 10eme arrondissement de Paris. La rue du faubourg saint Denis c’est un des “chez moi” que j’adore. Kreuzberg…
” […] Valparaiso tan pequeña como una camiseta desvalida, colgando en tus ventanas harapientas meciéndose en el viento del océano, impregnándose de todos los dolores de tu suelo, recibiendo el…
Ok, j’avoue…je me rappelle pas ni le nom de l’endroit, ni exactement ce que j’avais mangé mais tout était au top!! Un petit resto trop bon, dans la forêt, sans…
The best place to spend the spring break is definitely India!! Spring time is a serious matter there so…let’s celebrate!! You just need colors and water! Don’t forget to eat…
Anche io, come il grande Manu Chao, a volte ho voglia di parlare in privato con la luna. Un po’ di tempo fa ho trovato un posto magico per parlare…