Annapurna Circuit – Tal to Danaque

Danaque Annapurna

On the road from Tal to Danaque you hike with beautiful views on snow mountain in front of you, around you and behind you (don’t forget to look behind or you’re going to miss stunning views!!). Which mountains? It’s hard to say as most of the 5000+ peaks are for the locals and guides are just…rocks!! They do not deserve a name…well, I suppose you can make it up or, if your ego is big enough, you can give your own name! What’s sure is that you can admire the Manaslu.

Darapani Annapurna  tal Annapurna

It’s not a long hike from Tal to Danaque, you will probably get to Danaque in the early afternoon so, if you don’t need to rest your legs you can choose to explore the side trekking path starting from Darapani or you can continue and get to Timang! It’s 2 steep hours of hike and +300mtr elevation but the village and its guesthouses, have one of the most stunning views of the circuit!! Have a look!!

Annapurna Circuit - Tal to Danaque

Danakyu, Dharapani, Nepal

Author Luci

Proud founder of Shego! - Sharing Exeperiences on the go!!

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