From Tatopani to Gorepani is a long steep way going up. Only up! Never flat, never down…be prepared to a lot of steps, 8/9 hours of walking and beautiful rhododendron trees! It’s long and painful and when you get to Tatopani at night knowing that you have to get up at 5am if you want to enjoy the sunrise in Poon Hill…well, at this point you don’t really care about sunrise!
After a hot meal and a good sleep, when your alarm rings, you want to sleep but you look at the sky full of stars above the mountains, you remember why you set that alarm and you start walking.
There’s a really a lot of people on the staircase leading to Poon Hill. It can be annoying cause you always want, very egoistically, a privileged, quite moment with the beautiful nature…but, here the reason why there’s so many people:
Ok, I can understand, it would be a crime to hide this view to the world!