In May 2015 I was in the Omo Valley, one of the most isolated regions of Ethiopia, to meet the Mursi people. The Mursi are one of the last remaining tribes in Africa to keep untouched their traditions and culture.
Visitors are allowed to go in their villages with a guide and a park ranger. If you want to take a picture, you have to pay for it. This is one of my paying photograph with this beautiful 20 years old woman. When I got to her village I felt like I was in another world, in another time but despite our extremely different life -she was a mother and wife, she would probably never leave her village, I was a 30 years old single girl traveling the world- I realized we had a lot in common. We had the same openness and genuine curiosity towards diversity, the same thirst for knowledge about the world that we don’t know. I don’t regret I spent 3 dollars for bringing at home her smile.